Monday, January 17, 2011

Water conservation in the kitchen :)

The kitchen is one of the places where we use the most water, though we don't realise it. Here are a few ways to conserve water in the kitchen :

  • Do the dishes by hand. A few extra minutes won't kill you. Why use gallons of xtra water when you can get a way with so little? 
  • Instead of rinsing your fruits and veges under a tap, fill a pan up and soak them. This saves tons of water
  • Soak dishes that are hard to wash
  • If you do use a dishwasher, load it to the max and use a cycle that doesn't use up that much water.
  • Keep a bottle of water in the fridge instead of using the cold water dispenser. 
  • After making a pot of coffee or tea, dilute the dregs and water the plants. This also provides them with plenty of nutrients
  • Install a low-flow faucet aerator, this can cut water usage up to half. These few extra dollars will save hundreds in years to come

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