Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Global Perspectives: Law and Criminality

Global Perspectives: Law and Criminality: "CrimeCrime is when an individual violates the law of a country he/she is living in. However, this does not necessarily mean that crime is al..."

Global Perspectives: Law and Criminality

Global Perspectives: Law and Criminality: "CrimeCrime is when an individual violates the law of a country he/she is living in. However, this does not necessarily mean that crime is al..."

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Have I been giving good feedback ?

Blogs are a great way to receive and give feedback. This is because blogs are extremely interactive as well as a great way to share and discuss ideas. Feedback benefits everyone, and so, if they are displayed publicly, everyone can benefit from them.Also, through blogs, ideas can be shared easily.Through this, students will be able to learn more than by doing individual, private projects. Those who are shy to voice out their opinions in class benefit greatly from this. They can just type what they want to say or comment on and voila! its done. Goodbye nervous breakdowns ! :)
In terms on the feedback I have been giving, I have given both good and bad feedback. Towards the start of the term, my feedback was limited to 2 or 3 words. However, now, I try to comment on both my friends' achievements and mistakes, though there is still plenty of room for improvement.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Feedback are the comments received about a certain piece of work. It is usually someone else's opinions on your work and can be both positive and or negative.Feedback is very important because it allows us to improve on our work and and learn from our mistakes. Feedback has to be specific and honest to be useful.
For a summary on what I think of feedback and how to give good feedback,click here

Friday, January 21, 2011

Blogs-Presenting my data

Presenting the data
Limited amount of space
Unlimited space
Dull, boring
Power point presentation
Catchy, good amount of space
Time consuming
Interesting, catchy
Can be too wordy

Questionnaire planning

I have decided to use general questions in my questionnaire. Also, I think uploading it on my blog instead of emailing it will collect more responses.