Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Global Perspectives: Law and Criminality

Global Perspectives: Law and Criminality: "CrimeCrime is when an individual violates the law of a country he/she is living in. However, this does not necessarily mean that crime is al..."


  1. It is totally against my views. Throwing someone in jail for life would definitely cost alot of money!! What if the family of the victim starts a riot? wouldnt that cause more deaths?

  2. hahah, maybe it will cost money, but it wont harm someone :P and err Maxwell, i think the victim's family would rather see the victim in jail instead of being dead.

  3. i agree with being against the death penalty but you have to agree with maxwell. Imagine how many jail cells would be filled and how crowded it would get and stuff. The points are good but image people like Ted Bundy or some mass murder still being alive. Imagine being the sibling of a person who was murdered in cold blood and you knew that was still alive. Wouldn't you feel that there should be some sort of justice? Like if you take someone's life (Intenionally not in self defence and stuff) we have the right to take yours?

  4. I like the way you included religion in your posting, especially when some religion disallow executions. But you have also included religion on your pro death penalty posting. You have looked at religion and death penalty from different alternatives, which is a good thing of course! GOOD JOB! (y)
