This picture, to me, sets us apart from other species' in the world. Humans are able to set all their differences aside and cooperate for the greater good. We do not always resort to violence and believe that everyone has equal rights. Humans use their intelligence well and challenge ideas. We modernise and move forward with time.
Human trafficking and slavery
Slavery is when someone is forced into labour against their wishes, considered to be the property of someone else and is considered to have very few or no rights. A slave is considered to be below the level of that of a human.Human trafficking is when human beings are traded for services such as labour in farms or factory.
Humans are trafficked and enslaved because some companies do not want to pay wages and so force people to work for them. This enables them to make more profit.
The UN Human Right Department is very active in preventing human trafficking and slavery.Divisions 270 and 271 of the Australian Commonwealth Criminal Code as well as the Australian NGO.
Human trafficking and slavery
Slavery is when someone is forced into labour against their wishes, considered to be the property of someone else and is considered to have very few or no rights. A slave is considered to be below the level of that of a human.Human trafficking is when human beings are traded for services such as labour in farms or factory.
Humans are trafficked and enslaved because some companies do not want to pay wages and so force people to work for them. This enables them to make more profit.
The UN Human Right Department is very active in preventing human trafficking and slavery.Divisions 270 and 271 of the Australian Commonwealth Criminal Code as well as the Australian NGO.